The 7 Chakras And Their Meanings


Possibly the most common misconceptions surrounding the 7 chakras is that they are somehow tied to a religion or that they are religious symbols. This isn’t the case although the 7 chakras have appeared in Hinduism, Yoga and Tantric Buddhism. Even Taoism seeks to keep the 7 chakras properly aligned. So what are they? The Ancients and the students of Eastern Mysticism have described the 7 chakras as wheels of the natural energy cycle that courses through the human body. In fact, the word ‘chakra’ literally means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. It starts with the Root Chakra at the base of the spine and courses up to the Crown Chakra at the top of the head.

This energy that is flowing throughout your body is the ‘life force’ that connects your physical, spiritual and emotional being and is responsible for maintaining balance. When one or more of the energy wheels spin too slow, too fast or (even worse) becomes blocked, this will create an imbalance in the mind, body and spirit. As a result, your mental, physical and spiritual health will most likely suffer. To prevent this from happening there are a few things you can do to remove blockages, prevent blockages from ever happening, prevent misalignment of the 7 chakras and to realign them if need be.


We will start by exploring the 7 chakras, what they are, where they are located throughout the body, what they mean, the colors, elements and gemstones associated with each chakra and their functions.


1. The Base/Root Chakra – Red;  Element – Earth

Root Chakra - Muladhara Chakra

The root chakra is the first chakra of the body and is located at the base of the spine, close to your coccyx or tailbone, and extends upwards close to your belly button. It is also known as Muladhara in Sanskrit. This word is made up of two words; Mula, which means root and Dhara which means to support.

The role of the root chakra is to connect your mind, body and spirit with the Earth. This is to keep you grounded and connected with the earth’s energy. The practical worldly function of being grounded is attaining a sense of accomplishment in your life and a balance between financial and emotional well being which are both required for living a healthy life on this planet. Ultimately you will feel a sense of peace. This is a necessary foundation for reaping the benefits of the remaining chakras being balanced.

Restoring Balance To Your Base/Root Chakra

When your root chakra spins too fast it will be in overdrive. This will most likely result in jitteriness, anxiety and a sense of worry which can eventually lead to health problems. Constant anxiety and worry can be summed up in one word; STRESS! It is a known fact that stress can lead to various health problems and, if left unchecked, can actually drain your life force causing a slow downward spiral toward the loss of life altogether.

On the other hand, when your root chakra is spinning too slow then it is under-active and under-performing. This will lead to a lack of focus and productivity. This can be bad for relationships and work related situations.

Two of the simplest ways to restore the balance of your root chakra are meditation and volunteering in acts of kindness. Examples of acts of kindness are giving food to homeless people and even feeding a stray animal. Or maybe you can offer to help an elderly person with her grocery bags at the supermarket. Even something as simple as holding a door open for a complete stranger can do wonders for the health and restoration of your root chakra.

Since the root chakra is connected to the earth it can also be re-energized by going out and connecting with nature. Go on nature walks on a hiking trail, find a pond where you can go to feed geese and ducks. Go to a public park and feed the birds and squirrels. Don’t be afraid or shy to take your shoes off and walk barefoot in nature. That’s the ultimate way of connecting back to nature. A wonderful activity you can partake in is gardening. Again, it is a known fact that gardening is one of the best stress relievers a person can engage in. Couple this with growing organic fruits and vegetables for you and your family to enjoy and you are eating healthy foods while also re-energizing your root chakra.

Another activity that I recommend is to listen to music and sounds that vibrate at 432hz. According to many music therapists, metaphysicians and wise sages, 432hz is the frequency at which the Universe vibrates. Listening to music or a sound at 432hz is very calming, relaxing and quite pleasing to the ear. It is said to reduce stress and promote emotional stability by putting you in tune with the “Heartbeat of the EARTH” When people meditate and recite the ‘Om mantra, they are reciting in the 432hz frequency. A Singing Bowl can also be used to hear a sound at 432hz. If 432hz is indeed the frequency of the Universe, then it only makes sense to listen to this frequency and resonate your own frequency with it as this will help you to become more “grounded” in this miracle we call Life.

Gemstones associated with the root chakra are Garnet, Red Jasper, Red Onyx, Pyrite and Hematite.


2. The Sacral Chakra – Orange;  Element – Water

Navel Chakra - Svadhishtasana Chakra

The sacral chakra is located directly below the belly button – three inches below the navel to be precise. In Sanskrit it is known as the Svadhisthana which means ‘The Place of One’s Self’. This chakra is associated with the lymphatic system and is responsible for creativity and expressing emotions. It also helps you to get in touch with your sexual desires and other pleasurable activities to help you enjoy your time on earth.

Restoring Balance To Your Sacral Chakra

When the sacral chakra is in overdrive you may experience restlessness and hormonal imbalances. Two other unpleasant results of a sacral chakra that is spinning too fast are gluttony and obesity. How can this happen? A sacral chakra that is in overdrive can lead to an overindulgence in pleasure which can eventually lead to addiction. Sex addiction and food addiction are two problems plaguing humanity all over the world and it is a result of individuals whose sacral chakras are in overdrive.

On the other hand, when an individual’s sacral chakra is spinning too slow, it is unde-ractive which can be as equally problematic as an overactive sacral chakra. Impotence and a decreased sex drive are two problems resulting from an imbalanced sacral chakra. But probably even more worrisome is that an under-active sacral chakra is also responsible for moodiness, depression and a lack of creativity.

If you are experiencing feelings of depression, moodiness, a lack of creative expression or a decrease in your sex drive then your sacral chakra is under-active. Just like with the other chakras, meditation can help to restore and re-energize the sacral chakra. In addition to meditation you can try engaging in activities that stimulate you creatively and/or sexually. However, if you find yourself overindulging in sex and eating then your sacral chakra maybe in overdrive. Again, calm and relaxing meditation to help restore the balance of your sacral chakra. You should also cut back on the sexual activities and overeating. Try to find alternative ways to be stimulated instead of these activities every once in a while. For example, establishing an exercise routine and reading a book that mentally stimulates you.

Gemstones associated with the sacral chakra are Sunstone, Amber, Moonstone, Chalcedony and Carnelian.


3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow;  Element – Fire

Solar Plexus Ckakra - Manipura Chakra

While the sacral chakra is located below the navel, the solar plexus chakra is located behind the navel region below the rib cage. This chakra is known as Manipura in Sanskrit which means ‘Shining Gem’. This chakra is associated with discipline, confidence, self esteem, a sense of purpose and wisdom. This chakra is also responsible for the ‘gut feeling’ or ‘red flag’ we sometimes feel when something or someone is no good for us.

Restoring Balance To Your Solar Plexus Chakra

An imbalance of the solar plexus chakra can cause severe emotional problems. Feelings of anger, rage, severe aggression, animosity, a lack of empathy or lack of remorse are signs of an over overactive fast spinning solar plexus chakra. Some people may experience low levels of self-esteem, doubt and mistrust towards other people in their lives. In some, it manifests as overly rigid or controlling behavior. In others, it breeds a victim mentality, neediness, and lack of direction or the confidence to stand up and take positive action.

At this point, it should come as no surprise that meditation is one thing you can do to help restore the balance of your solar plexus chakra. Connecting with a strong purpose in life and letting go of negative things and people will certainly help with this effort. Also, learning to exercise your talents and skills to the fullest can help to restore the balance of your solar plexus chakra. A combination of reducing contact with negative people while showing more love to others is the ultimate balancing of the solar plexus chakra. Listening to positive and upbeat music that relaxes you, inspires you and raises your vibration can also be helpful.

Also try repeating positive affirmations to yourself, whether it be out loud or in your head. You can even write them down on paper or in a daily journal. By repeating affirmations, we help reverse negative thought patterns and replace them with constructive ones.

Here are few example affirmations to try and to give you ideas for coming up with your own positive affirmations:

” I feel calm, confident and powerful “

” I honor the power within me “

” I am open to new ideas “

” I do not seek the approval of others “

” I can create positive change in my life “

” I feel motivated to pursue my purpose “

” I forgive myself for past mistakes and I learn from them “

” The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations “


Gemstones associated with the solar plexus chakra are Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Hessonite and Zincite.


4. The Heart Chakra – Green;  Element – Air

Heart Chakra - Anahata Chakra

As the name implies this chakra is located in the heart region. It is the seat of balance and is characterized by emotions such as love, compassion, kindness, mercy, attachment and trust. It is responsible for emotional healing and sound mental health. It can found in the center of the chest all the way up to the throat but it is not located where the actual heart organ lies. It is known as Anahata in Sanskrit which means Unhurt, Unstruck, and Unbeaten. It’s position is convenient as it occupies the middle of the 7 chakras and acts as a connector between the three earthly chakras and the three heavenly chakras.

Restoring Balance To Your Heart Chakra

Similar to the solar plexus chakra, when the heart chakra is imbalanced a person will most likely face emotional issues like
anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. If the wheel spins too fast, a person is more likely to make unhealthy life choices in the name of love. Couple that with the emotional imbalances already mentioned and you are dealing with a formula for disaster. In fact, the heart chakra is one of the two most imbalanced in most people and this imbalance can be said to be responsible for most of the human relations problems people deal with all over the world. But if the wheel spins too slow, symptoms are highly likely to lead to circulatory problems. A person with an under-active heart chakra will not want any personal relationship with anyone and mostly keep to him or herself. Even if they enter into a relationship or friendship with someone, the under-performance of their heart chakra will cause them to be a difficult, if not impossible, person to have any sort of relationship with. Do the terms “broken heart”, “heart of stone” and “cold hearted” ring a bell? Overactive and under-active heart chakras have lead and continue to lead to so many human relations problems.

The key to restoring and properly realigning the heart chakra is to FIRST AND FOREMOST learn to LOVE YOURSELF!! A lack of self love causes too many people to seek love and validation from outside of themselves. A very wise man had once told me that the key to a happy and successful marriage is for me to look for a woman who is ALREADY HAPPY and TRULY LOVES HERSELF! And my job is simply to not make her miserable or unhappy. Human beings go into romantic relationships with the expectation that their significant other is supposed to make them happy. This is incorrect and is responsible for strained relationships, break ups, divorces and Heart aches!

Once you have accepted the notion of learning to LOVE yourself, now you must take the time to do the things that YOU LOVE! Exercise, take up a hobby that sincerely interests you, join a club that is centered around your chosen hobby. Don’t be shy or afraid to go to the movie theater by yourself to take in a good movie. Listen to good music that uplift your spirits and raise your vibration. Make a list of good books that you are interested in reading and go through them one by one. And DEFINITELY make the time to laugh and be joyous. Take TIME to yourself and allow TIME to mend your broken heart chakra. Before seeking a relationship with another person, nurture a healthy and loving relationship with yourself first.

While in the process of loving yourself (and YES, it is a process), listen to music at 432hz as this has a calming effect and resonates with your own frequency and can raise your vibration. Raising your frequency and vibration are important when unblocking your heart chakra.

Gemstones associated with the heart chakra are Rose Quartz, Jade and Unakite.


5. The Throat Chakra – Blue;  Element – Space

Vishuddha Chakra - Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat above the heart chakra and is responsible for expressing the truth, the ability to communicate well and inspiration. It is also know as Vishuddha in Sanskrit which means ‘Very Pure’. When this chakra is balanced, it enables creativity, positive self-expression, constructive communication, and a sense of satisfaction. However, if unbalanced, it is said to be the only chakra that brews up wars and hatred towards other people. Along with the heart chakra, the throat chakra is one of the most imbalanced chakras found in most people. Just as an imbalanced heart chakra is responsible for human relations problems, an imbalanced throat chakra is responsible for misunderstandings, conflict and acts of aggression.

Restoring Balance To Your Throat Chakra

Contrary to popular belief, the heart chakra is not prevalent in people who speak a lot. It only manifests itself as overactive if a person feels ignored, offended or invalidated. A throat chakra that is spinning too fast may coerce you to speak louder so that your voice can be heard. On the other hand, if the wheel is spinning too slow, it may be experienced as timidity, quietness, a feeling of weakness, or the inability to express our thoughts. A well balanced throat chakra is what most people are lacking and should be focusing on. When the throat chakra is balanced, it enables creativity, positive self-expression, constructive communication, and a sense of satisfaction.

The two best practices for restoring balance to your throat chakra are Mindfulness Meditation and Throat Chakra Affirmations. Connecting with our inner truth begins with quieting the mind. Mindful breathing during meditation presents a way to calm thoughts by focusing attention on the breath. There are two ways to focus attention on the breath. One way is to focus on the inhaling of breath as the diaphragm rises and the exhaling of the breath as the diaphragm lowers. The other way is to count your breathing. Each time you inhale and then exhale counts as one breath. Count the breath up to ten counts. Once you counted your breathing cycle ten times, start the count over from one again.

The repetition of affirmations sets the intention to break old patterns and create new, healthier and more effective ones. To balance the throat chakra, try repeating affirmations that relate to truth, authenticity and open communication. Here a few examples to give you an idea:

” I feel free to express my creativity “

” I hear and speak the truth “

” I am balanced in speaking and listening “

” I feel comfortable speaking my mind “

” I am an active listener “

” I feel comfortable speaking my mind “

By repeating these statements, we create new thought patterns, behaviors, and actions that align with feelings of authenticity and open self-expression.

One more suggestion for keeping your throat chakra balanced is to hold your tongue when you strongly feel offended or invalidated. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK to prevent misunderstandings or escalation of a verbal conflict. This does not mean to bottle up your feelings to the point of being unable to express yourself. Doing so can be just as damaging as lashing out, except that in this case most people will bottle their feelings up until they can only lash out. As with all of the other chakras, you must learn to establish balance with your throat chakra.

Gemstones associated with the throat chakra are Red Tiger’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Apatite, Aquamarine, Kyanite and Blue Lace Agate.


6. The Third Eye Chakra – Indigo;  Element – None

Ajna Chakra - Third Eye Chakra

The sixth of the 7 chakras is the third eye chakra. It is also known as Ajna which loosely translates to ‘Beyond Wisdom’ in Sanskrit. It is located between the eyebrows, hence the third eye. This should not be confused with the Pineal Gland which is often referred to as “third eye”. The Pineal Gland is called “third eye” due to its primary function of letting in darkness and light just as our two eyes do. The Ajna (which is pronounced Aj-ya) is not the same as the Pineal Gland although they are both located in the same general region of the brain.

This chakra is responsible for garnering information about yourself and beyond the materialistic world. It is a call to pay heed to your intuition and examine it with your mind rather than spontaneously acting on mere gut instinct.  Focusing on the third eye chakra motivates us to move beyond the worldly desire and distractions. When the third eye chakra is awakened, it increases consciousness and transcends to a higher realm.

The attributes of the third eye chakra are intelligence, intuition, insight, and self-knowledge. When this chakra is balanced, a person feels more vibrant and confident, both spiritually and emotionally. He or she becomes his or her own master and remains free of all attachment to material things.

When the third eye chakra spins too fast, and thus overactive, it can make you egotistical and overconfident. Megalomania can also result in a very overactive third eye chakra. An increasing desire for material things, which disconnects us from our true self, may manifest due to an overactive third eye chakra. This materialistic outlook on life is a distancing from spirituality which blurs our intuition and insight. We live in a multidimensional existence. There is more than just this physical dimension that we as human beings occupy. This is why there are psychics, tarot readers and astrologers. These people are believed to have an abundance of energy flowing through their third eye chakra. If a person has an obsession with paranormal activities, psychic stuff and the unseen, then chances are that their third eye chakra is above normal.

On the other hand, if it is spinning too slow, and thus under-performing, it may make you feel non-assertive and afraid of success. Other aspects that manifest are indecisiveness, confusion, lack of focus and purpose, or depression. The struggle to reach your goals becomes even more difficult with self-doubt and narrow mindedness. Some will even say that an imbalance can manifest as physical problems like headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain.

Restoring Balance To Your Third Eye Chakra

Balancing the third eye chakra requires patience and a high level of awareness. However, a balanced third eye chakra improves your physical and the spiritual being. Your intuition becomes strong as it is easier to listen to your inner wisdom. Equal importance is given to emotions as well as logic to make the best decisions in life. Your third eye chakra can be
brought to focus by practicing meditation in a peaceful space, preferably out in nature. Connecting to the earth activates the basic instinct of grounded-ness in human beings so mindfulness mediation in nature will greatly benefit towards a re-energizing of the third eye chakra. Maintaining a daily journal of your thought patterns is also a good habit to increase awareness and as a daily reminder to replace negative thought patterns with positive ones.

A properly aligned third eye chakra connects you to the spirit world, so if you feel disconnected from the spirit world , meditate frequently to connect with it. Chanting the ‘Om mantra in seated meditation will be beneficial as well. Sit in a comfortable meditative posture with the spine elongated. Chant mentally or verbally the ‘Om mantra slowly with full awareness. Continue the chanting and concentration on your third eye chakra as long as you are comfortable. Do this for anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 or 20 minutes.

Lastly is the repeating of positive affirmations to help in restoring balance to your third eye chakra. Here a few examples to get you started and to help you to come up with your own positive affirmations:

” I can manifest my vision “

” Ego does not cloud my thinking/judgement “

” I am open to my inner wisdom “

” I have clarity in my thoughts “

” My mind understands clearly “

” My mind’s eye sees clearly “

Gemstones associated with the third eye chakra are Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Azurite, Moonstone, Clear Quartz and Black Obsidian.


7. The Crown Chakra – Violet;  Element – None

Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Chakra

Lastly, we have the crown chakra. It is called Sahaswara in Sanskrit which means ‘Thousand Petaled’. The crown chakra is located on the top of the head and is associated with the Buddhist concept of achieving Nirvana–which is very difficult at best and impossible at worst for humans to achieve. Out of all 7 chakras, the crown chakra is the most difficult chakra to achieve balance. Many ancient Sifus, Sensei’s and Gurus all struggle to have a balanced crown chakra. But once a person achieves a balanced crown chakra, he or she will no longer be “human” like the other people on earth because their balanced crown chakra will allow them to TRANSCEND into a HIGHER POWER. This is because the crown chakra is responsible for a direct connection with the Divine Conscious Energy. The All-in-All; The Divine One-ness of All. The crown chakra is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, and dynamic thought and energy. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness.

A fully awakened crown chakra results in a universal flow of energy and spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps this is why it is represented by pure white light or violet color. It is said that once you achieve a balanced crown chakra, you will no longer be subject to human suffering or the thought of death. But there are people who will say that it is not possible for a human being to completely balance this chakra. Signs of a possible balanced crown chakra will be a more positive outlook on life no matter the circumstances or environment and visible changes in a person’s habits and attitude. The self will no longer be ruled by the ego. Emotions like gratitude, compassion, and acceptance become our true self. It is a rejection of all negative thoughts that bring unhappiness and stress in our lives. A balanced crown chakra brings spiritual understanding and peace with a clear perspective.

Restoring Balance To Your Crown Chakra

Although there are people who say that it is impossible, trying to balance this chakra will help you gain insight into yourself and balance your other chakras. I personally do not know of any well documented and reputable cases of anyone achieving TOTAL BALANCE, much less allowing it to overflow. There is one historical figure that many say has achieved this state and that is The Buddha. It is said that he has achieved this state, attained Nirvana and released himself from the cycle of Samsara. which is the concept of the cycle of death and rebirth. In fact, the word ‘Buddha’ literally means “awakened” or “that which has become aware”. It is the past participle of the Sanskrit root Budh, meaning “to awaken”, “to know”, or “to become aware”. Buddha as a title may be translated as “The Awakened One”. In Buddhism, a Buddha is any being who has become fully awakened (enlightened), has permanently overcome greed, hate, and ignorance, and has achieved complete liberation from suffering. When a person’s crown chakra is unbalanced or blocked, he or she may experience disillusionment, boredom, melancholy, and restlessness. A person with a blocked crown chakra may also experience an unwillingness to be open to other ideas, thoughts, or knowledge.

An imbalanced crown chakra can produce different symptoms depending on excessive or insufficient activity. With an overactive crown chakra a person may display cynicism, apathy, spiritual addiction or the feeling of being overwhelmed by/with knowledge. On the other hand, an under-active crown chakra can result in confusion; confusion in what you want to do, confusion about your life’s purpose and confusion about the path that you are presently on. A lack of inspiration, spiritual and mental exhaustion and the desire to always sleep can also be signs of an under-active crown chakra.

It goes without saying that mindfulness meditation should be practiced with the goal of balancing your crown chakra. Meditation alone should not be the only practice you engage in if you want to attempt to balance your crown chakra. Embarking on a spiritual journey could bring you closer to becoming one with the Universe or one with the Divine Consciousness. But this is easier said than done. The energy of the crown chakra is supplied by the other six chakras.
This is why it is so important to work on the lower six chakras to effectively activate the crown chakra.

One thing that is highly recommended if you wish to balance your crown chakra is to emulate the Buddha. As mentioned already, the Buddha is said to be one who has achieved Nirvana and became an “Awakened One” or a “Wide Awake Person”. And the TWO BEST WAYS to emulate the Buddha are to, of course, practice mindfulness meditation and to also embrace The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path as taught by the Buddha. Please refer to This Article for a brief explanation of The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eighfold Path.

Gemstones associated with the crown chakra are Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Selenite, Lepidolite, Sugilite, White Agate, Flourite and White Calcite.


Explanation Of The Gemstones Associated With The 7 Chakras

Sages, Gurus and The Ancients believed and taught that chakra stones are gemstones and crystals that activate or amplify the energy of the chakras. The ancients believed the healing powers of gemstones or crystals would subtly absorb all of the negative energy that may be blocking the chakras. The result of the absorption of this negative energy is a balancing of the flow of the energy of the 7 Chakras; essentially activating your chakras and opening them up. The most convenient way to take advantage of chakra stones is to wear a Chakra Healing Bracelet or a Chakra Necklace. For centuries, chakra healing bracelets have been worn by men and women in India. Today, chakra bracelets have become somewhat of a fashion icon, but that does not take away from the importance that they have always held in Indian tradition. To many people these bracelets are a blend of culture and fashion worn to promote awareness on keeping the energies of the 7 chakras in balance. Chakra necklaces have recently followed in the footsteps of bracelets in popularity

The question to ask is “Do chakra bracelets and necklaces work?” The answer to this question can be yes or no.

The “no” answer has to do with the fact that the human body is a huge vessel compared to the size of the crystals on a chakra bracelet or necklace. Because of this, the energy wheels within the body may be larger the size of the gemstones typically worn on a chakra bracelet or necklace. So some people may erroneously believe that you would need to don much larger gemstones to fully benefit from them or wear multiple gemstones in order to gain the same effect. I personally do not believe either way is necessary which I will explain in a little bit.

The reason for the “yes” answer is because at our core, humans are energy beings. We are made up of energy. We absorb energy. We give off energy. We can pick up on another person’s energy. Some people have the ability to repel negative energy by sheer will. We can gain, generate and lose energy. And gemstones are known for their abilities to be “energy conductors”. There’s even a study which shows that crystals can increase the alkalinity in water ( which makes up to 60% of the physical human body ).  I will not go into detail about the hows and whys we are energy beings. Those who know, know. Those who don’t know might want to reflect on a quote by Albert Einstein in which he said “Everything in life is vibration”. The laws of physics validate this quote. Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla, famed for not only his inventions but also his spiritual enlightenment, was quoted as saying; “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” It’s also interesting that these are the three exact ingredients we use when manifesting.

Every natural substance vibrates at a specific frequency as a result of atoms and molecules moving. For example, Mother Earth vibrates at 7.83Hz. Crystals also vibrate, at a higher frequency of 32,768Hz. We live in a world of constant shift, vibration and energy. Every person, every object is vibrating at different frequencies. Each crystal, each gemstone, each mineral, which have been formed on Mother Earth over the course of millions, perhaps billions of years, emits its own vibrations. This can be calming or energizing to heal and realign our own energy. Basically think of crystals as harnessing their own special properties which can resonate with Your Vibe to change or elevate your mood, your vibration. This is why it is also suggested to listen to sounds and music at 432hz frequency because of the calming, relaxing and grounding effect it has on the human frequency (which is especially useful for unblocking the root chakra and the heart chakra.)

Besides harnessing the unique properties of crystals, just having crystals around is a way to connect back to nature, which is grounding. So, even if you don’t fully understand the energy, if you look at it and enjoy being near it and it elevates your mood, that’s enough – it’s having the desired effect.

As far as the “Yes and No” answer is because a chakra bracelet/necklace works with POSITIVE energy. Most of life’s problems are brought on by NEGATIVE energy and thoughts, which is the strongest mind battle to overcome. Therefore, a chakra bracelet/necklace does work as long as the person wearing it keeps in mind that positive and negative energy come from him or herself. Merely wearing a chakra bracelet/necklace serves as a reminder that positive and negative energy almost always originate with thoughts in the mind. Wearing one also helps to promote awareness of the goal of keeping your 7 chakras balanced. This is why I do not think it’s necessary to wear large or multiple gemstones.

The most popular style of chakra bracelet is one that has 7 different gemstones on it; one gemstone for each of the 7 chakras. But I would like to provide two reasons why it might be better to wear a bracelet made of gemstones dedicated to a single chakra.

1. It is difficult for some people to balance all 7 chakras at once. Many believe that it is better (and possibly, more proper) to try to balance one chakra at a time, starting with the root chakra and working your way up to your crown chakra. Wearing a chakra bracelet made of gemstones dedicated to the chakra you are presently working to balance will help in this regard.

2. For the people who do believe that it is best to wear multiple gemstones, as discussed earlier, wearing a bracelet dedicated to one particular chakra may be a good option for them.

Having said that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing the more popular style of chakra bracelet because it still works, especially when keeping in mind the “Yes and No” answer given earlier to the question “Do chakra bracelets (and necklaces) work?”

I want to caution you to not rely exclusively on gemstones to realign your chakras. The best results come from doing the energy work required to balance your chakras. This means mindfulness meditation and other activities that will provide a definite and lasting effect on the energizing of your chakras.



Positive and negative energy are all around us. If you are willing to actively repel negative energy and tap into the positive energy, the results can most certainly be immersive. So many people, and thus the whole world, would benefit from learning that they have the power to restore themselves to full vitality. And activating the 7 Chakras will help them to do that.


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