It is officially 2024 and as of the date of this writing humanity is living in the Age of Aquarius. There has been a definite shift in energy on this planet in 2020 and 2021. Both years have been crazy. Aside from dealing with the COVID era, the changing of the POTUS in America, protests calling for justice and racial equality and an uprising in gender and sexuality issues, we have also entered a whole new astrological period. Because of the myriad knowledge, wisdom and other spirit nurturing information we have easy access to, thanks in large part to the internet, some people like to call the age we are now living in The Information Age. As much as that term does apply, I still prefer to call it by it’s astrological designation; The Age of Aquarius.
What is it about this age that makes it special and exciting? Well, the 11th sign in the Western Zodiac, Aquarius, is a fixed air sign. People born under this zodiacal sign are said to be those who rebel against tyranny and injustice, engage in acts of wide-scale humanitarianism, and strive to bring about mass change and enlightenment. Aquarius is oftentimes referred to as the “Water Bearer”. He is depicted as having one foot in the soil (to show that he IS grounded despite some people saying that he isn’t) and the other foot resting in the water. He is seen tilting a vase downward from which he shares his life giving sustenance (represented by water) with ALL of the human family and for the nurturing of the entire planet! The Age of Aquarius is often associated with social movement, equality, progressive thought, new ideas and shifts of entire societal structures.
According to Astrologer and Psychic Inbaal Honigman, “Jupiter and Saturn are two large planets in our solar system, which govern similar yet opposite aspects of large concepts,” she says. “Jupiter is a planet of expansion, growth and generosity. Saturn is a planet of structure, discipline and hard work. They’re both planets that help us move forward, and influence governance and whole generational shifts, but each in a very different way.”
On December 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn met in Aquarius which is very significant as evidenced by the events that have been taking place ever since. However, this age is not to be confused with the hippy era in the 1960s marking the advent of the new age, alternative religions and popularization of eastern mysticism. That’s an entirely different bowl of grapes. This genuine Age of Aquarius is all about the planetary shift in energy that affects us all one way or another. This is a time of big changes in governments and world leadership, environmentalism and advancing racial justice and equality. The age we are living in right now is a great opportunity for human beings the world over to protest injustice and gather support for social causes.
But there is another aspect to this Age of Aquarius which which may considered be as equally exciting and spiritually uplifting. There is a movement that is sweeping the entire planet. This movement is not necessarily new and did not suddenly arrive with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. However, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius has propelled this movement to new heights and catapulted it to a worldwide popularity that is almost unprecedented in our modern history. This movement that I am talking about is the “New Age Spirituality Movement”.
What Is The New Age Spirituality Movement?
The New Age movement, or New Age spirituality, is a conglomeration of views, practices and values that have roots in Eastern religions, Eastern mysticism and metaphysical views. Although, there is no formalized definition of “new-age”, it mostly refers to the views and values of people who are highly spiritual and usually seek to live holistic lifestyles. The beautiful thing about “New Age-ism” is that it is not a religion. Neither is the New Age movement a religious movement. It is a Spiritual Freedom movement. Unlike religious movements, new-age philosophy has no central governing body, holy texts, rituals, membership, or a rigidly defined set of beliefs and rules. These are the reasons that so many people find this way of living so appealing! Rather than being strict and dogmatic, the New Age lifestyle is open, decentralized, free-flowing and open to individual interpretation. Practices ranging from meditation to Qigong to Astrology can all fall under the umbrella of New Age beliefs and practices. It is essentially a shared set of values with an emphasis on spirituality, self actualization and mindfulness (three important ingredients in the quest to awaken one’s God-hood)
Despite having no formal dogma, you can still identify many of these new-age values. For one, the New-Age lifestyle emphasizes a spiritual connection to the universe and the natural world as well as a holistic way of living. Secondly, the New Age lifestyle has beliefs and views that are diametrically opposite from the beliefs and views of this planet’s established organized religions.
So, what does your average New Ager look like? Well, they will most likely be:
Vegan or vegetarian
Possibly an animal rights activist
An environmentalist
Free Thinking
Very compassionate
Highly spiritual and open-minded
Influenced by Eastern beliefs like Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism
Into yoga and meditation
Someone who prefers a holistic approach to life
Some of them will also have beliefs that are not mainstream. Many of these beliefs may actually belong in the category of Wiccan Beliefs (which I personally do not subscribe to myself).
Astral Travel
Self Love
Tarot Reading
Alien Beings
Spirit Guides
The Ancestors
Ancient Texts
Law of Attraction
Not all people in the New Age movement believe in ALL of these things and participate in ALL of these practices. Some may believe in all of these things, while some others may only believe in one or two of these things. Again, there is no formal doctrine or centralized religious body dictating what a person can and cannot believe and what they can and cannot practice in this movement. Although many people who are categorized as being part of the New Age Movement do fit the profiles listed above such as being vegan or vegetarian, into Yoga and meditation, living a holistic lifestyle or being an environmentalist or animal rights activist, the fact is not all New Agers fit all of those profiles. Also, there are plenty of people all over the world who fit one or more of those profiles but are not New Agers. It is the non mainstream “beliefs” of New Agers that make them stand out and easily identifiable. For the sake of better understanding, let’s briefly explore a few of these “beliefs” one by one. It should be stated from the outset that this examination is by no means exhaustive and deeply explored. Entire books can be written on each topic included in this brief list.
Belief In Psychics and Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities include abilities such as Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), clairvoyance, mind reading, astral travel and even telekinesis. Some of these ideas might sound utterly ridiculous to most people but here are three things to be considered before dismissing them outright.
First of all, it is a scientific fact that most human beings on this planet only use roughly ten percent of their total brain capacity. That leaves ninety percent of brain capacity that goes largely untapped and unexplored. Ninety percent is a lot; A WHOLE LOT. People who are considered as geniuses and highly creative are said to be able to to go above and beyond this ten percent brain usage. Highly intuitive people are said to be the same. According to most New Agers, the more of our brain’s capacity we are able to tap and use, then the more we are able to access our latent mental abilities such as astral travel, clairvoyance or mind reading. I am of the mindset that the Original Men and Women of this planet are Gods and Goddesses. Going beyond that 10% brain usage may be one of the required stages for remembering who and what we are and awakening our latent God Potential.
Second of all, it needs to be eventually learned and understood by all human beings that the reason we only use ten percent of our brain capacity is because we were designed to only be able to do so. Even the Bible and Quran say as much. But you can only realize that the Bible and Quran say this if you are aware of the background and history of human beings on this planet.
Third of all, we human beings on this planet (particularly the original Asiatic peoples) have “non human” DNA that is still “unexplained”. Many scientists like to refer to it as “junk DNA“. But the idea of “junk“, “useless” or “unnecessary” DNA is insanely flawed. Everything about our genetic makeup has a function even if some of it has been suppressed and isn’t fully understood. They refer to it as “junk” DNA because they are still unable to pinpoint an earthly origin for it. Essentially, this unexplained DNA is other worldly. By the way, the percentage of this untapped DNA is said to be approximately ninety eight percent. It is very curious that we human beings have more than ninety percent of DNA that is untapped, unexplored and misunderstood while at the same time having ninety percent of our brain capacity that is ALSO untapped, unexplored and misunderstood. Do you see the possible connections? This so-called “junk” DNA is actually the DNA of the Original Gods (whom most refer to as the Anunnaki) and there must come a time when human beings are no longer afraid or embarrassed to explore this reality, acknowledge it and move forward with this understanding.
When we consider that the human family only use approximately ten percent of our total brain capacity as well as the fact that we have more than ninety percent “alien” DNA that is not utilized, it shouldn’t be too difficult to believe in the possibility that awakening the ninety percent of our brain and “alien” DNA that we don’t use can allow us to make use of mental abilities that some would consider to be “psychic” abilities.
Astrology is one of those alternative sciences that mainstream people like to label as a “pseudoscience“. Make no mistake, astrology is certainly a science and is every bit as legitimate as any other “science”. Maybe even more legitimate. Humans have gazed upon the skies for answers to life’s biggest questions since time immemorial.
Astrology is the science of interpreting the placement of the planets and constellations in relation to planet earth. It is one of the world’s oldest methods of guidance. The interpretations help us to understand people’s personalities, collective experience, karmic cycles and even karmic debt. To put it even more simply, astrology is used as a tool to seek meaning and understanding of human behavior through the influence of the stars and planets.
The practice of astrology as a science and a method of guidance actually goes back to between 30,000 to 10,000 B.C. This period is when maps of the stars were used as navigational tools long before the first map of the earth was ever drawn up. You can think of star maps as the first ever GPS. However, over time, as humanity began to make advancements in other sciences and technology, the practice of astrology began to wane as a science and started turning into a cultural curiosity and even a form of divination. Perhaps this is the reason it is regarded today by some people as a “pseudo science”. Astrology deals mainly with birth charts, planetary energy and birth signs.
A birth chart is essentially a map showing the placement of the planets at the exact moment of your birth on planet Earth. A birth chart illustrates an astrological story that is unique to each individual based on one’s day, time, month, year, and even the location of his or her inception. The purpose of a birth chart is to provide precise directions about where to go, how to get there and what a person should be doing on their journey.
According to astrology, your astrological destiny hinges on the placement of the celestial bodies in our solar system at the time you were born. Astrologers tend to focus on the particular locations of the sun and the moon. These locations determine your sun sign and moon sign respectively. However, to get a much better understanding of your personality and possible life path, astrologers also examine and consider the placements of the planets. There are also “ruling planets” in astrology. Ruling planets are the shot callers in the zodiac. The ruling planets influence how each sign behave and go about their daily lives.
The zodiac is described as a belt that extends approximately eight degrees North or South of the eliptic. This results in a path of the sun across the celestial sphere over a year which is divided into 12 zodiac signs. These 12 signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. These 12 signs are subdivided into four elements: earth, air, fire and water. There are also three characteristics ascribed to each sign; namely fixed, mutable and cardinal.
Astral Travel
Ah, this is an interesting topic to explore and one that usually brings hardcore believers and disbelievers alike out of the woodwork to prove or disprove this idea. Are you familiar with an out-of-body experience? Many people describe having an out-of-body experience – a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or “astral body” leaving the physical body – under circumstances such as surgery, in a deep dream state, under hypnosis and in a situation where they were knocking on death’s door. Astral traveling is essentially a “deliberate” out-of-body experience. There are people who claim the ability to do it at will even while merely relaxing. Here I would like to very briefly make a case in defense of astral travel.
One of those “circumstances” during which people astral travel, or rather have an out-of-body experience, is when they are “tripping” off of a psychedelic drug. The drug that I want to focus on for our purposes is called N,N-Dimethyltryptamine but is commonly referred to as DMT for short. In the United States it is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute the drug.
Despite its illegal status, people sometimes use DMT in religious ceremonies and various settings for an “awakening” or to obtain deep spiritual insight. People have used DMT, often in religious rituals, for thousands of years. It’s use is actually quite common in shamanic rituals in South America.
DMT is a hallucinogenic tryptamine drug that occurs naturally in many plants and animals. Some people call it the “spirit molecule” due to the intense psychedelic experience it produces. Here’s where it starts to get really interesting. There is scientific evidence that the human body produces DMT endogenously. It is said to be produced in the pineal gland of the brain. It is also said that the human brain PRODUCES and RELEASES “SOME” DMT during REM dream states. There is an almost undeniable correlation between REM dreaming and out-of-body experiences. Here is why I said this is interesting. Notice that the brain only produces “some” DMT while in a dream state. But there is evidence suggesting that the human body produces and releases ALL of it’s DMT reserves at the time of death. Death or temporary death experiences are the primary events that people cite when describing an out-of-body experience. I believe that there is enough evidence that warrant further research into this phenomenon instead of dismissing it outright.
Self Love
It’s a shame that the concept of self love is considered to be a fringe non mainstream idea. But the fact is that this concept is non mainstream and that’s a problem. The most important and most valuable asset of any society on earth is its people. It is people that make society run and it is people that “make the world go ’round”. People have relationships. Business relationships, employer-employee relationships, landlord-tenant relationships, parent-child relationships and love relationships. The prevailing problem that exists in almost all of these relationships worldwide is an overwhelming lack of self love among almost all people involved.
A lack of self love causes too many people to seek love and validation from outside of themselves. This doesn’t work. It never has worked and it never will work. Part of the reason that it doesn’t work is because too many times people who lack self love are looking for it from other people who are also lacking in self love. This has proven to be a recipe for disaster the world over. Take a look at This Article to read more about self love and it’s connection with the heart chakra.
Tarot Reading
I don’t believe in Tarot simply because it is a new age idea. I believe in Tarot because I have personally witnessed the reality of it firsthand on numerous….NUMEROUS occasions.
The art of Tarot reading uses what are known as Tarot cards. Tarot reading is the practice of divining wisdom and guidance through a specific spread (or layout) of the Tarot cards. It is important to keep in mind that this is not the same as palm reading, fortune telling or seances. In fact, Tarot reading isn’t even remotely related to those ideas. The origin of the Tarot is unknown. What is known, however, is that the Tarot has been used as an oracle, in the basic form we know today, since the beginning of the seventeenth century.
The standard tarot deck has 78 cards, and each one has its own imagery and symbolism. The cards are split into two categories: 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards.
Major Arcana includes 21 numbered cards and a single unnumbered card known as the Fool. The Fool moves through each card, learning lessons along the way in what’s known as the Fool’s Journey. The appearance of a Major Arcana card usually influences the entire reading.
The 56 Minor Arcana cards relate to the more specific daily challenges of everyday life and a person’s current situation. The 56 Minor Arcana cards represent our thoughts, feelings, experiences, and beliefs. These cards are associated with more or less temporary energy that’s affecting your life at a given moment and could be easily influenced one way or another.
Besides Tarot cards, there are also Oracle cards which have even less rules than the Tarot cards have. The reason I am convinced of the legitimacy of Tarot (besides my personal witnessing and observation of it in action) is because we are energy beings and we ALL connect back to the same energy field that keeps up somewhat glued together. Like ripples or waves all in one ocean.
The word Chakra means ‘Wheel‘ in Sanskrit. Chakras are energy wheels that can be found throughout the human body. The human body is said to have many, perhaps hundreds or thousands, such wheels located throughout but there are seven primary chakras that receive the most attention and focus. These seven chakras are the Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Throat Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra. Please see This Article for a further and more thorough examination of the Seven Chakras.
Again, thanks to pop culture, television, movies, hoaxes and false sightings, the idea of intelligent life from beyond this planet is ridiculed by the vast majority of people on earth (though this IS beginning to change).
Our planet earth occupies just a small outer corner of a very, very VAST galaxy which is more than likely just teeming with intelligent life and activity; particularly as you get closer and closer to the center of our galaxy, known as the Milky Way Galaxy. It is naive at best and downright ignorant and arrogant at worst to think that we human beings are the ONLY intelligent life forms in this huge, vast galaxy with COUNTLESS stars, many of which may be solar systems themselves.
Now consider the fact that there are COUNTLESS galaxies in the entire universe; many of which are much larger and more vast than our own galaxy. It shouldn’t be too difficult to realize that there is no possible way that we human beings are the ONLY intelligent beings in this great, big, gigantic, vast universe. If the “miracle” of life can exist on our world, then that same miracle can exist on other worlds. It actually goes much deeper than that if people were to be courageous enough to investigate the Anunnaki and the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis. If they were to do so, they would embark down a rabbit hole that would reveal that human beings themselves are alien beings who are not originally from this planet. This idea will continue to be thoroughly examined and investigated on this website so I will refrain from going into too much detail here.
Ancient Texts
This category of beliefs within the overall New Age Movement can be divided into spiritual/religious and historical. These texts include well known “books” that are familiar with religious people such as The Bible, The Quran and The Book of Enoch, but it also includes “texts” that are not well known which The Bible and Quran got their source materials from such as the cuneiform tablets from Sumeria and Babylon. Then there are other texts such as The Popol Vuh, The Nag Hammadi writings and The Code of Hammurabi.
The people within the New Age movement who will usually have a concentrated interest in these subjects are those who like to investigate the history of human beings on this planet as well as who put us here, why and where are we originally from. Most times, you will find that people who have a strong interest in ancient texts almost always have an equally strong interest in the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis.
Laws of Attraction
This is a belief that is constantly under attack by the disbelievers and naysayers. The problem is that the people, like myself, who believe in it base their belief on personal experience. In my case, not just one or two experiences but numerous experiences.
The law of attraction is a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you. There is really nothing spooky about this. It shouldn’t be too hard to believe especially if we examine how some individuals seem to always “attract” certain kinds of people in their lives. How the career criminal with nothing but negative thoughts and a negative spirit (i.e. Devilishment) always seem to attract nothing but trouble. Contrast that to the college graduate who is focused on getting his or her career started and on track and receive multiple offers from different employers in his or her field. Most people may not be aware of this Law, but they benefit from it nonetheless. Just like the law of gravity, it is always in effect, impacting your life in more ways than you can imagine.
When you focus on the abundance of good things in your life, you will automatically attract more positive things into your life. But if you center yourself on negative thoughts and only focus on what you lack in life, then you will ultimately attract negativity into your life and what you want most will continue to elude you. This is the Law of Attraction in a nutshell.
When Master Fard Muhammad began his mission in the wilderness of North America to wake up the Lost-Founds he had two manuals that served as the core teachings of what eventually became the Nation of Islam; The Supreme 120 Lessons (also referred to as the Supreme Wisdom Lessons) and The Problem Book.
The Problem Book is a workbook of 34 problems presented by Master Fard Muhammad which is designed to teach the Lost-Found original people in North America their miserable state of condition in a MATHEMATICAL way. The first segment of Problem No.13 says:
“After learning Mathematics – which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics – it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is – luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life.
Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.”
Mathematics is the language of the Universe and is a universal law that governs the interaction of the human family with one another and with the Universe itself. Once you truly understand the premise of Problem No.13 and learn how to use mathematics to help guide you through life, then you can say that you understand the Law of Attraction and how to use your “magnetic” to attract what you want.
Learning Supreme Mathematics, studying it thoroughly, understanding it and applying the principles in your own life everyday CAN give you the mathematical ability to Sit yourself in Heaven at once!
As was said before, this brief list is by no means exhaustive, neither does it go into thorough detail about each belief on this list.
What Does “New Ageism” Have To Do With New Fitrah?
Much like the new age movement, the New Fitrah Movement is not an organized religion and as such does not have a governing body, rituals, religious leaders or holy texts that must be adhered to. In New Fitrah, we do benefit from the “Wisdom” that can be gained from ancient texts such as The Popol Vuh, The Bible, The Quran, The Vedas, The Book of Enoch, Tao Te Ching, etc. But these different texts are but branches of one tree. No one road has the complete answer to life’s mysteries.
We study all of the above mentioned texts and other texts and writings that are not mentioned in this article because we seek to study the science of everything in life. But the foundation of the New Fitrah Movement is the Arabic Quran and the Supreme Wisdom Lessons.
One of the goals of Fitrah is man’s self realization of “God Consciousness” much like the spirituality in today’s new age movement. While Fitrah Science can be said to be the newest philosophy/way of life, in all actuality, it is the oldest way of life in the universe for Fitrah is the way and nature of the original being itself (whether you call it God, Jah, Allah, Spirit, Source, Supreme Being, the Universe, the Essence, etc.) as well as the way and nature of the universe.
And just like the new age movement today, New Fitrah is experiencing an awakening and rebirth in this “Age of Aquarius”
It’s Time To Build!